These painting were my inspiration behind my photographic version of the Three Graces. The bottom painting is by Botticelli. The middle painting is by Raphael. The three graces are typically grouped so that the two outer figures face the viewer, and the one in the middle faces away. This is a traditional composition, known and copied by the Renaissance. Florentine Philosophers of the 15th century saw them as three phases of love: beauty, arousing desire, leading to fulfillment; alternatively, as the personification of Chastity, Beauty and Love.
In my version of the Three Graces the women appear to be greek statues. I wanted my statues to appear soft, yet stiff and frozen at the same time. To achieve graceful movements, I choose a ballet dancer as my model. I used a plain black back ground so the statues would pop out and be the main focus.
I know I know I get real serious when I talk art
I know I know I get real serious when I talk art
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