Monday, May 11, 2009

The Day in the life of Brad

These pictures sparked an idea for a series called A day in the life of Brad.  Ill be capturing Brads everyday events. Let me just give you a background on Brad. Brad grew up in South Carolina or as i like to call it Souf Carolina. Growing up in the Souf from the stories i have heard, is not normal. One day while attending chemistry class in Souf Carolina Brad was lit on fire by some fellow class mates dew to the fact that he was the minority. Funny and sometimes bazar events seem to follow brad. A few weeks ago during the last snow storm, Brad was running to catch the bus and slipped and fell into a puddle of ice water. The bus driver sow that Brad was soaking wet and pulled over to let him on. Brad heard some ladies in the back of the bus whisper " great now we are going to be late". ( ha ha that is so rude) When Brad got to work he called me to bring him some dry clothes. Now i know what mothers fell like when their children pee their pants at school.   
I will post new pictures everyday about brads adventures.
I dont know where this series will go but we will see what events unfold in: A day in the life of Brad

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